Thomas P. Flynn II (Tom).
Thomas Flynn began his career at G.W. Sherwold in 2001, and serves as Client Services Manager. The long-time clients, many with an over 30 year relationship with the firm, have become very accustomed to Tom’s devoted attention to their needs. Prior to starting his career with G.W. Sherwold, Tom worked for ING, a large International financial services company in its Philadelphia U.S. headquarters, after studying mathematics at Penn State University.
Accepting the position at G.W. Sherwold required Tom to relocate from his childhood home in Philadelphia to Orange County California, and Tom embraced the opportunity. Now, fifteen years later, he’s adopted the Southern California lifestyle, while staying close with his family in Pennsylvania.
Tom enjoys many sports, and keeps active playing hockey and softball. Tom is one of four siblings in a split family arrangement, and feels very fortunate to have four wonderful, loving parents.